
Emma Catherine is a visual artist currently based out of Lynchburg, Virginia. She was born and raised in Texas and moved to Virginia in 2019. Emma is a third-generation photographer and started taking photographs as soon as she was old enough to hold a camera. Her work with ceramics started in the Fall of 2016 when she took her first ceramics class, she fell in love with the medium and the endless potential it held and has continued her work in clay, experimenting with integrating a variety of other media into her work along the way. Though clay is her favorite medium, Emma does not consider herself to be just a ceramicist and is constantly experimenting with a variety of other media, from video work to alternative photographic methods to sculptural pieces, her artistic pursuits are far reaching. Emma graduated from the University of North Texas with her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Ceramics, Summa Cum Laude, in 2019, graduated in 2022 from Liberty University for her Masters in Fine Arts, and is currently attending Liberty University School of Law.

Artist Statement

My work focuses on the nature of the unseen and underappreciated happenings and subjects of day to day life. I find the “un” to be fascinating. Things that are unseen, unnoticed, or have been noticed to such an extent that they become unextraordinary create moments of clarity when they are discovered, or rediscovered. Moments of unique clarity often occur when we refuse to allow the world around us to become white noise realizing the beauty in the previously overlooked or unseen. The refractions from a glass of water, the texture of a stone smoothed by countless waves, scars on a man’s hands, the sound of skin on paper; these things all have the potential to create special moments when time is taken from the busyness of life to stop and consider. My primary objective in making art is to urge people to pause and reflect on the world around them, taking a moment to inhale and see the “un”, even if it is hiding in plain sight.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal – 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV